HQ Team providing information on Eczema

Why explore eczema alone? Eczema HQ can help.

If you're looking for information on eczema (atopic dermatitis), you've come to the right place. At Eczema Headquarters, the HQ Team is always ready to help. To get started, tell us a little more about yourself.

Video of the science of itch & rash

Start exploring the itch-scratch cycle

The eczema itch can lead to scratching and keep coming back. That’s why we’re here to discuss what’s really going on underneath the skin.

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Person reading Eczema HQ Magazine Person reading Eczema HQ Magazine Person reading Eczema HQ Magazine
A scientist providing information about Eczema

See the big, itchy picture

Check out what we designed to help you better understand the impact of your eczema.

Woman thinking about what questions to ask her doctor about Eczema

Doctor Discussion Guide

Partnering with your doctor to manage your eczema is important—and the more you can share about your symptoms and flare-ups, the stronger that partnership can be. Use this guide to make your visit even more impactful.