Eczema symptoms may vary. Yes, even yours.

At Eczema HQ, we believe in seeing—and discovering—things for yourself.

So if you have eczema, learning as much as you can about the symptoms can help you understand the condition better. It can also help prepare you for your next conversation with your doctor.

A person thinking about eczema symptoms

The symptoms report

Every person’s eczema symptoms will be a little different. You may even experience flare-ups—or times when symptoms are worsened—that vary in intensity or location.

The most common symptoms of eczema include:

  • Intense itching (pruritus), which can range from mild to severe
  • Red (or otherwise discolored, depending on skin tone), inflamed skin
  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Dark-colored, rough, leathery, or scaly patches
  • Crusting, oozing, or cracking skin
  • Skin pain like stinging and burning

Eczema image library

Do you recognize your own eczema symptoms? These eczema pictures may help you discuss them with your doctor. You can see how eczema appears on the skin across different ages, races, and sexes in locations on the body, such as hands, feet, legs, arms, and the face/neck.


Eczema on hands


Eczema on feet


Eczema on legs


Eczema on arms


Eczema on face or neck

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Eczema eureka

Eczema Eureka #093: Eczema looks different on darker skin

Eczema affects people of all races, but research suggests that in the United States, Black and Hispanic children may have more severe eczema than white children, so it’s important to recognize that symptoms can appear differently on darker skin.

Here are some important things for you and your doctor to look out for:

  • Itching may be more severe
  • Skin lightening (color may return within weeks to months)

  • More extensive skin dryness

  • Dark circles may appear around the eyes

  • Rashes may look darker brown, purple, or ashen gray instead of red, which can sometimes cause them to be completely missed by a doctor (see pictures above for reference)

Paint a clear picture of your eczema

You can help your doctor better evaluate your eczema by capturing clear, well-lit photos of your symptoms during an eczema flare-up. And beyond capturing the flare-up itself, you’ll also want to clearly explain the timing, suspected triggers, and any unseen impact the disease is having on your life.

TIPS FROM HQ: Whether you’ve been diagnosed with eczema or you’re undiagnosed but wondering about your skin symptoms, all of this can help inform a discussion with your doctor or a possible treatment plan moving forward. And you can always use our interactive Doctor Discussion Guide as a resource before your next visit.

OK, we’ve covered the eczema basics—now let’s get into