See the less visible impact of eczema
Step inside our eczema-ray machine
We know the naked eye can spot an eczema rash, and your doctor absolutely understands your physical symptoms. No surprises there. But the EHQ Team knows you also can’t forget about the very real ways your eczema can impact your emotional health and overall wellness. That got our wheels turning—what if we could build an eczema-ray machine? One that could look beyond the surface of your skin to see the less visible impact of your eczema. Ingenious, right? So, pretend with us a bit...
Finding A: Itchy days that turn to sleepless nights
Millions of people in the U.S. alone have eczema. If you ask around, you won’t find a shortage of eczema stories about sleep troubles.
In fact, up to 30% of adults with eczema struggle with sleep.
And fewer ZZZs can equal less productivity. As dermatologist and lifelong eczema sufferer Dr. Serrao put it, “[What happens if you] don’t get a restful night of sleep? How do you perform at school the next day? How do you perform at work the next day? Is there absenteeism? Is there presenteeism?”

It’s normal to me to have to wake up in the middle of the night to get in the bathtub because there’s nothing else I can do.
– Sophie, real eczema patient

When I was fresh out of high school, I wanted to go to the military. Guess what…you can’t join if you have eczema.*
– Christina, real eczema patient
*Severe atopic dermatitis that prevents the proper wearing of required military uniform or equipment

Finding B: When eczema limits your lifestyle
For some, eczema can affect anything from their wardrobe to their career.
When that’s the case, how do you “do you”? We took a closer look and found that half of adults with moderate to severe eczema say the disease significantly limits their lifestyle.
For instance, people with eczema have reported it influences how they dress. And females face even more issues with clothing options.
As for a career path, nearly 40% of eczema sufferers have reported turning down a job or an educational opportunity thanks to their disease.
Finding C: The need for connection
Humans are social creatures. Research finds that people need, well, people. But in certain cases, eczema can make things tricky.
Who likes going out when feeling self-conscious? Up to 50% of adults with eczema avoid social interactions because of their appearance.
And it doesn’t stop at weekend plans. 1 in 3 adults with eczema and their partners have reported that their disease interfered with establishing relationships.
But you’re not alone. You can always connect with us for more tips, facts, and stories. If eczema has you feeling upset or overwhelmed, help is out there.

The best I ever felt about my eczema was realizing I’m not alone in the battle.
– Dr. Serrao, dermatologist and lifelong eczema sufferer

So, if eczema is bothering more than your skin, be honest
Your care team needs to thoroughly evaluate your eczema experience, and life impact is one of many factors they’ll keep in mind. So, open up fully with our eczema experience tool. It can help your doctor see the full picture they need to personalize a treatment plan.
And while no eczema treatment is designed to improve your overall wellness, getting your symptoms under control is an important step.